Presentation Skills Coaching

  • Outstanding! professionally delivered, excellent value to me and our business
    — GM
  • Great presenter & knowledge, entertaining, educational
    — Organisational Development Manager
  • Extremely engaging and practical
    — Director
  • Clear, relevant, to the point
    — GM - Technology
  • Excellent style, good pace, relevant content, feel equipped with tools for action
    — National Prevention Partnership
  • Extremely professional and passionate, had great structure and performance
    — MAPS Manager
  • Best presenter yet. Very entertaining, kept attention well.
    — Head of Operations
  • Entertaining, knowledgeable, engaging.
    — Regulatory Officer
  • The best workshop I have ever attended
    — Operations Manager
  • Impressed beyond expectations, great, worthwhile
    — Operations Director
  • Very valuable insights, extremely experienced and knowledgable facilitator.
    — Regulatory Affairs Manager
  • A fantastic style, engaging, good mix of theory, practice, activities, real world examples and light hearted moments.
    — Head of Employee Relations
  • Keeps things well paced, extremely enjoyable
    — Senior Operations Manager
  • Professional, well versed. Great energy and customisation
    — Compliance Manager
  • I will highly recommend David to all my colleagues
    — Executive Director
  • Exceptional, professional, highly recommended
    — Sustainability Manager
  • Engaging, interactive and passionate
    — Sales Manager


David has helped hundreds of successful leaders and managers match their ability to present results to their ability to deliver results.

With personal, 1-on-1 presentation skills coaching, David will take the natural strengths you have, and work with you to multiply them. David applies the “Stand and Deliver” methodology he uses for his own presentations, and that has helped hundreds of others. In two main sessions (one focused on preparation and one focused on presentation), followed by as needs coaching, you will discover a simple, repeatable process to prepare and present with confidence and influence.

In a very short time, you will be as respected and admired for how you deliver your presentations as you are for how you deliver results.

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One-off Presentation Preparation

If you have a critical presentation coming up (whether it is a pitch to a key client, a whole-company briefing or a strategy planning meeting), David is available to coach on a single presentation, rather than developing a permanent process.

Using the actual materials that you want to present, David will work with you to craft an engaging, collaborative and influential presentation.

In a short half-day session, you will have a presentation that will leave the audience ready to act, and you confident to deliver. This session includes:

  • Using media to support your data

  • Using interactive, conversational techniques to engage your audience

  • “The Science of Influence” to gain support and action

  • Rehearsal, recording and review to perfect your delivery


 Let’s work together


Contact Details



1300 684 669
+61 414 616 467
