What does last week’s Deloitte “Future of Work” report mean for how leaders need to present themselves?
Are you still in the 20th Century when it comes to “Inspiring to Action”?
The future of work is nothing like the past Photo by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash
What does last week’s Deloitte “Future of Work” report mean for how leaders need to present themselves?
Last week, Deloitte Access Economics released its much anticipated “Future of Work” report, and there were many surprises.
Not least of which are:
·You are not going to be replaced by a robot
·AI is not going to start a “Matrix”-like war with humanity and
You are not going to be able to retire on AirBnBing out your investment properties
What it does tell us about the four main drivers of the future of work is:
Disruptions in business models will become the norm
The impact of digital technology creates opportunities in business, not death
Demographic upheaval will need more flexibility and
A new “social contract” with workers needs to be agreed
What does this mean for leaders?
Consider these key facts:
Millennials now make up more than half the workforce. Ask yourself – how are you communicating to them? The same way you have to your peers and the remaining baby-boomers? That’s not going to work.
Familiarity with digital technology – Are you still using Powerpoint to deliver your presentations? Please join us in the 21st Century.
Automation requires new skills – How are you using “create once, deliver customisation” in how you present yourself?
The workforce will be distributed (both geographically and across multiple organisations- (the gig economy in Corporate) – How are you staying connected, and keeping them engaged?
Deloitte Access Economics - The Future of Work Report
What do leaders need to do?
It is no longer enough to release organisation wide announcements and press releases. Your people have now watched dozens of TED talks and Youtube videos, and are measuring your presentations to them against that benchmark. How are you measuring up?
Powerpoints and Keynote? Really? Where’s the engagement? Where’s the interaction? Where’s the conversation? If you want to “Inspire to Action” (download the whitepaper here), you’re going to have to up your “immersive experience” game.
Are you still creating a new presentation each time you speak with a new audience? Using technology to “create once, customise forever” isn’t just in the warehouse and design studio. It needs to be in your presentation kit.
How often are you staying in touch? A monthly update? Once or twice a year performance feedback? Every large consulting practice has been advising their clients for years these outdated communication methods need to be replaced. You are the face and the voice of the business. It needs to be seen and heard. Regularly. For example, 1 minute video updates which can be re-purposed for planning sessions and company announcements across the business. There are so many techniques that can be used to keep people informed, influenced and inspired. Where do your presentations sit on the ladder?
Have your presentation skills kept up with the world? Here’s 3 ways I can help you with that:
Work with me – Get in touch here, call 1300 684 669 or email davidw@davidwayne.com.au to discuss options for coaching, workshops or training programs or
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